Using Free Chlorine to Treat Drinking Water: Benefits and Challenges with Stable Residual and Stratification

Disinfection is a crucial step in drinking water treatment, and free chlorine is one of the most widely used disinfectants due to its efficacy in killing pathogens at a relatively low cost. When used correctly, chlorine provides a robust line of defense against waterborne diseases, helping maintain the quality and safety of drinking water. However, […]
Passive Mixer vs. Active Mixer – Which Makes Sense?

In the water treatment industry, maintaining a consistent chlorine residual is crucial. Water tank mixers are essential for keeping chlorine and, at times, chloramines to maintain proper reaction rates and comply with local, state, and federal guidelines. There are typically only two mixing approaches in municipal water treatment: passive and active. Although there are only […]
Understanding the Breakpoint Chlorination Curve

The challenges in achieving breakpoint chlorination, a process where the addition of ammonia and chlorine to water continues until the chlorine demand is satisfied and a residual is achieved, are as follows: 1. Variability in Water Quality One of the most significant challenges in achieving breakpoint chlorination is the natural variability of the water itself. […]
Chloramination in Water Treatment: A Safe & Effective Disinfection Method

Chloramination is a widely used water disinfection method that combines chlorine and ammonia to form chloramines, a longer-lasting disinfectant. As concerns about water quality continue to grow, many water treatment facilities are turning to chloramination as an alternative or supplement to traditional chlorine disinfection. But what exactly is chloramination, how does it work, and why […]
Removing Trihalomethanes From Municipal Ground Reservoirs

Due to multiple factors, trihalomethanes (THMs) can be challenging for municipalities. After being treated with chlorine, potable water will have a fair amount of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that can impact the health of the community that the water department serves. Long-term exposure to high levels of THMs has been associated with health risks, making their […]
Municipal Water Quality – Considering the Crucial Role of Potable Water Reservoir Tank Mixing

Introduction: In both urban and rural locals, potable water reservoirs stand as silent sentinels, safeguarding the lifeline of entire communities. Often overlooked but undeniably vital, these reservoirs serve as the reservoirs of life, ensuring that the precious resource of potable water is readily available to the people in its shadow. Beyond their presence, however, lies […]
Choosing the Right Water Tank Mixer for Your Potable Water Drinking Water Reservoir: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: A suitable water tank mixer is crucial for water treatment operators to maintain good-quality potable water in reservoirs. Well-designed and efficient mixers are integral in preventing issues like poor-tasting water, stratification, stagnation, and the growth of harmful microorganisms. The following comprehensive guide discusses eight essential factors when choosing a water tank mixer for your […]
The Hidden Menace: Corrosion Inside Water Storage Tanks

Water storage tanks are essential components of our infrastructure, ensuring a reliable supply of clean water to our homes, businesses, and communities.
Enhancing Water Reservoir Integrity: The Power of Air Circulation in Corrosion Reduction

Potable water reservoirs serve as crucial components of our infrastructure, facilitating the storage and distribution of clean water.